wood for bird toys

Choose the Right Wood For your Parrot

Bird toys are essential for the well-being of our feathered friends. Providing them with the right toys can keep them mentally and physically active. When it comes to choosing the best materials for bird toys, wood stands out as an excellent option. In this article, we will explore the world of wood for bird toys, offering expert guidance on the ideal choices and how to create engaging and safe toys for your avian companions.

how to choose the right wood

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The Importance of Wood for Bird Toys

Wooden bird toys are a favorite among pet owners for several reasons. Birds naturally enjoy chewing and shredding, and wood provides the perfect outlet for these behaviors. It's essential to choose the right type of wood to ensure the safety and well-being of your feathered friends.

Safety First

When selecting wood for bird toys, safety should be your top priority. Birds often explore their surroundings with their beaks, and any toxic wood can have dire consequences. Avoid using woods such as red woods, cedar, oak, cherry, or plywood, which can contain toxic elements harmful to your pet.

Precautions and Preparations

Before giving your bird a new wooden toy, ensure it's thoroughly cleaned, free from any potential contaminants, and untreated with any harmful chemicals.

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Types of Wood for Bird Toys

Choosing the right wood is crucial. Some woods are toxic to birds, so it's essential to know which types are safe. The most popular and readily available options include:

  • Pine: This is a popular choice due to its softness and ease of shredding. It's safe for all birds.
  • Sola: Extremely soft and easy to chew. Great for small birds and birds learning to play with toys. 
  • Balsa: Extremely soft and easy to shred, balsa wood is ideal for small birds. Use this wood for birds who are learning how to play. 
  • Maple: Usually shapes cut out is from maple wood. Great fun for large birds.
  • Java: Perches and tree stands are made from java because of it extreme hardness. 
  • Manzanita: Known for its durability, this wood is perfect for larger parrots. Because of its hardness, it's great for bird trees, and perches. 
  • Cholla: With its natural holes, cholla wood provides birds with places to hide treats and becomes a foraging toys.

Wood Hardness and Strength

Not a complete list of safe wood for bird toys but a list with most popular wood for bird toys. 

safe wood hardness chart
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How to Cut/Dye Wood for Bird Toys

Click on link: Make Your Own Bird Wood Blocks

Creating DIY Wooden Bird Toys

Crafting your own wooden bird toys can be a rewarding experience. It allows you to tailor the toys to your bird's preferences and ensures they are free from harmful chemicals. Here's a simple guide to get you started:

  1. Select the Wood: Choose the type of wood that's safe for your bird's species.
  2. Cut and Shape: Cut the wood into appropriate sizes and shapes, considering your bird's size and beak strength. Here is a guide for wood block thickness: (adjust for your bird's preference)
    -Small birds: 1/8  to 1/4 in width 
    -Medium birds: 1/4 to 3/4in width 
    -Large birds: 3/4 to 2 in width
  3. Drill Holes: Drill holes for hanging and inserting toy parts. Ensure the holes are smooth to prevent injury.
  4. Add Accessories: Attach bells, ropes, and other bird-safe materials to create an engaging toy.
  5. Safety First: Ensure all parts are securely attached, and there are no sharp edges. Avoid loose rope/chain. Use appropriate hardware for size of parrot.
  6. Rotate Toys: Keep things interesting by rotating toys regularly.


What types of wood are toxic to birds? Some toxic woods to avoid include cedar, redwood, and cherry. These can release harmful chemicals when chewed.

Can I use colored wood for bird toys?  Only use colored wood which is dyed with non toxic, colorant. 

How often should I clean wooden bird toys? Regularly inspect and clean wooden bird toys, removing any droppings or debris to ensure your bird's health.

What are some signs that my bird enjoys its wooden toys? If your bird spends time chewing, shredding, or playing with the wooden toys, it's a good sign that they are enjoying them.

Is it necessary to rotate bird toys regularly? Yes, rotating toys keeps your bird engaged and prevents boredom.


Choosing the right wood for bird toys is crucial for your bird's safety and enjoyment. By using bird safe woods, creating engaging DIY toys, and understanding your bird's preferences, you can provide hours of entertainment and mental stimulation. Make sure to follow the safety guidelines, inspect and clean the toys regularly, and watch your bird thrive in a playful and enriching environment.

More Articles on DIY Bird Toys

Complete guide to DIY wood perches for birds.

DIY Bird Toys: Fun and Enriching Toys for your Parrot

DIY Delights: Creating Homemade Bird Toys 


Author: Monika Sangar

Co-founder of Prego Dalliance Sanctuary, Artisan of PDS Parrot Shop

PDS Blog presented by PDS Parrot Shop

Monika Sangar, the co-founder of Prego Dalliance Sanctuary, a 501c3 non-profit organization, uses these blogs to share her hands-on experience with parrots.

She is a designer and artisan at PDS Parrot Shop, and her craft can be viewed below. (click on logo)
pds logo

PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926) PDS parrot shop makes parrot toys to help fund our sanctuary, Prego Dalliance sanctuary, 501c3, non-profit.  www.pdsnonprofit.org 
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