parrot eating apples with seeds

Will Apple Seeds kill my Birds? Unraveling the Mystery


You might have stumbled upon alarming claims on social media about apple seeds containing cyanide and posing a deadly threat to birds and animals. The fear of harming our feathered friends can be distressing. But is this concern warranted, or is it just a case of misinformation? In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the world of apple seeds, cyanide poisoning, and the safety of our avian companions.

Apple seeds kill my birds?

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Cyanide is a word that often triggers fear and panic, and understandably so. However, when it comes to apple seeds, the situation is not as dire as it may appear at first glance. Let's explore the facts.

Apple seeds contain a substance called amygdalin, which releases cyanide when metabolized. The key question is whether this tiny quantity is sufficient to harm birds and other animals. To find out, we need to consider the science behind it.

What Can We Learn from Nature?

Nature often provides us with valuable insights, and observing the behavior of birds around apple trees is enlightening. If apple seeds were genuinely lethal to birds, one would expect to see casualties in orchards across the world. However, in reality, this is not the case.

The Science Behind Cyanide Toxicity

Whenever uncertainty arises, science steps in to clarify matters. To determine if apple seeds pose a significant risk, let's break down the science.

The Amount of Cyanide in Apple Seeds

To put things into perspective, a 100-gram bird would need to consume and thoroughly chew over 50 apple seeds in a single sitting to ingest enough cyanide to cause a problem. This is an astonishingly large number of seeds for a bird to consume in one go.

The Role of the Kidneys and Liver

Moreover, even if a bird were to ingest a considerable number of seeds, the toxicity of cyanide is low due to its rapid breakdown by the kidney and liver. These organs serve as natural detoxifiers in many animals, including birds.

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Personal Experiences and Research

Understanding the science behind the issue is reassuring, but personal experiences can provide valuable insights too. Like many of you, I too was concerned when I suspected that one of my birds had ingested an apple seed. However, a bit of research yielded a wealth of reliable information.

The Verdict: Apple Seeds and Cyanide

So, what's the bottom line? Can apple seeds truly harm your birds or animals?

The answer is reassuring: Apple seeds do not contain enough cyanide to pose a threat to your avian friends. If your bird happens to ingest apple seeds, you can rest assured that they will not be harmed. Nature has its safeguards, and science supports the idea that apple seeds are not the danger they might seem.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can apple seeds kill birds or animals?

A: No, apple seeds do not contain enough cyanide to be lethal to birds or animals. They would need to consume an extremely large quantity of seeds to be at risk.

Q: Are birds safe to eat apples, including the seeds?

A: Yes, birds can safely eat apples, seeds and all. Apples are a part of many birds' natural diets.

Q: Should I be concerned if my bird accidentally ingests an apple seed?

A: No, accidental ingestion of an apple seed is unlikely to harm your bird. Their kidneys and liver efficiently detoxify any small amount of cyanide.

Q: What happens if a bird consumes a large number of apple seeds?

A: Even in the rare event that a bird consumes a large number of apple seeds, the toxicity is low, thanks to the detoxification processes of the kidney and liver.


In conclusion, the fear of apple seeds and cyanide poisoning, especially in the context of birds, is largely unfounded. While it's essential to exercise caution and provide a safe environment for your pets and wildlife, you can relax knowing that apple seeds are not the danger they are sometimes made out to be.

So, go ahead, enjoy your apples, and share them with the birds and wildlife. They'll appreciate the treat, seeds and all.

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Monika Sangar
Co-founder of Prego Dalliance Sanctuary, Artisan of PDS Parrot Shop

PDS Blog presented by PDS Parrot Shop

Monika Sangar, the co-founder of Prego Dalliance Sanctuary, a 501c3 non-profit organization, uses these blogs to share her hands-on experience with parrots.

She is a designer and artisan at PDS Parrot Shop, and her craft can be viewed below. (click on icon)
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PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926) PDS parrot shop makes parrot toys to help fund our sanctuary, Prego Dalliance sanctuary, 501c3, non-profit. 


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