How to keep your pet bird clean
Bathing and Showering Parrots
Birds are beautiful, majestic creatures that many of us enjoy having in our homes. Keeping pet birds healthy and clean is an important part of their care. Bathing is one of the best ways to keep your feathered friend looking their best and feeling their best. In this blog post, we will discuss how to safely and effectively bath your pet bird. We will cover topics such as how often to bath birds, how to bath birds, and how to dry them off afterwards. Read on to learn more about keeping your feathered friend clean!Pin Me!
The benefits of bathing your bird
Feather Maintenance: When it comes to maintaining your bird’s feathers, bathing is an important part of the process. Regular baths help remove built-up dirt, grime, and even parasites from your bird’s feathers. This allows the natural oils from their skin to better coat the feathers and prevent them from drying out.
How often should I bathe your bird?
How do I give my bird a bath?
Use lukewarm water for bathing. Some birds may attempt to submerge themselves in their drinking bowl and splash around in a dish of water. Additionally, there are unique bathing chambers that fasten to the side of a small bird's cage to prevent water splashing across the space. For the purpose of preventing bacterial growth on their surfaces, make sure to clean these bathing stations every day.
Another convenient location for birds to bathe is a shallow sink of water. Many birds enjoy splashing around beneath a soft stream of water from the faucet, dipping their heads and flapping their wings. Sitting on a unique perch at the back of the shower that has suction cups that stick to the tile, your bird may enjoy taking a shower with you. A perch farther from the direct spray, where the bird can be softly splashed, is typically preferred because direct water pressure from the shower head may frighten or even damage your bird's feathers. Some smaller birds, like finches and canaries, will moisten themselves on the recently washed plants, such carrot tops or leafy greens.
You might also lightly sprinkle your bird with a clean spray bottle, like a plant mister, to make it rain. Your bird will dance wildly with its wings spread and tail fanning out.
If the water in your community is chlorinated, give your bird bottled water to bathe in instead.
Birds SHOULD NOT be bathed in commercial bathing solutions that contain chemicals, soaps, or other substances.
Birds swallow whatever is on their feathers when they preen, thus birds should only be misted with water to prevent unwanted consumption of chemicals.
Do I need to dry my bird?
Most birds feel comfortable drying out and preening in a sunlit, warm, draft-free space without any help. Some birds prefer to be dried with a soft, warm hair dryer, but extreme caution must be exercised to prevent overheating the bird. If your bird is afraid of the drier, do not force it to be dried in this manner.
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Author: Monika Sangar
Co-founder of Prego Dalliance Sanctuary, Artisan of PDS Parrot Shop
Editor: Judith L. Knapp
Monika Sangar, the co-founder of Prego Dalliance Sanctuary, a 501c3 non-profit organization, uses these blogs to share her hands-on experience with parrots.
She is a designer and artisan at PDS Parrot Shop, and her craft can be viewed below. (click on logo)
PDS is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (tax id #46-2470926) PDS parrot shop makes parrot toys to help fund our sanctuary, Prego Dalliance sanctuary, 501c3, non-profit. www.pdsnonprofit.org